Anna Karenina

Anna Karenina - Alymer Maude, Louise Maude, Leo Tolstoy i finished this over a long period of time, There’s something about Russian Literature and length.
But it was masterfully written and mesmerising. Once I have started the novel, I was transported into a complex world that awed me and broke my heart.

Anna, the main character, left a cold marriage with the successful man (Alexey Alexandrovitch) for a passionate affair with a young army officer (Count Vronsky) whom she loved so much and had a child with him, that separated her from the son she had with her husband, she was sad but she was also happy, and after fell into guilt, jealousy, and finally death.
we also follow the stories of Anna's brother Stiva, and his wife Dolly, Dolly's sister Kitty and her amazing husband Levin.
reading this you'd learn a lot about love and about life.

I LOVED this book. Tolstoy is a genius.